YOUnique4Europe - Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social competences for better employability in a digital world
ERASMUS+ : 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006119

Exercise 3.2 - Your professional ePortfolio with Europass

Europass is an EU career management portal and was developed by the EU Commission. There you have the possibility to inform yourself about job offers and further education in Europe. On the other hand it allows you to create your ePortfolio, contact potential employers and make your application portfolio available. So, go on and check all the different tools it has to offer in this exercise.

Before you start this exercise

How to complete this exercise

Step 1 - Fill the register „ME“

Create an account on the Europass Website by registering.
Create your profile or upload your existing Europass CV.
Enter your personal information such as contact and address.
Add all new work experiences (paid work, volunteering, internships, apprenticeships, freelancing and other activities).
Add your education and training (university, vocational training, online courses, professional development).
Add your personal skills, such as language skills, digital skills and other skills.
Add your picture. If you want to know more about the right CV - Photo, check out this exercise.

Step 2 - Fill the register „My Library“

You have a libary to store and organise your documents (CVs, cover letter, certificates and diplomas, other uploads).

Step 3 - Fill the register „My Skills“

You can add your Soft Skills in this section.

Step 4 - Fill the register „My Interest“

Here you can narrow down your current interests (for example location, interests, what you are looking for).

Congratulations - You made it!

Your Europass ePortfolio is ready. Now, if you like, you can create your ePortfolio in another language.

If you wish, you can share your Europass ePortfolio. Select a timeframe to share your profile with potential employers. Then copy the link to share your profile. You can manage this link in your aktivity feed.

Educators' area

Background information and teaching material for guiding your students through the exercise or offering it in your classroom

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