YOUnique4Europe - Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social competences for better employability in a digital world
ERASMUS+ : 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006119

Exercise 2.2 - Create your CV

The CV (curriculum vitae) lists the most important individual data of a person. In applications it is usually presented in tabular form. Together with the cover letter, the CV forms the core of your application. Most Human Resources professionals even read the CV first. This makes it a kind of first work sample and should be created with the greatest accuracy.

Before you start this exercise

  • Study the Info sheet “CV and cover letter”.
  • Have your results of the YOUnique mapping process at hand. If not done yet, you might want to mapp your soft skills first here.
  • Check out these CV examples and templates on Zety or myperfectcv.
  • If you have, grab your own old application documents from previous application processes.

How to complete this exercise

Step 1 - Gather all important information for your own CV.

A checklist of the relevant elements (like personal data, family status etc.) can be found in the info sheet (see Annex 3). Only include information relevant to the job profile you want to apply for.

Step 2 - Illustrate your personal set of soft skills through a significant description of hobbies, school activities, internships etc.

Try to put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter. What does he or she need to know to be able to assess your soft skills? How do you get him or her to notice you so that you are invited to a job interview?

Step 3 - Compare several CVs of other people in terms of structure and layout.

What do you particularly (not) like about them? With which elements are the sample CVs designed clearly or what makes them confusing? Use the links provided or examples you have researched yourself. The content of your CV is primarily assessed, but the focus is also on the form and layout. Therefore, make sure that the information is presented in a clear, appealing manner. If it suits you and the job position, you can also adjust the layout (this is particularly useful for artistic professions). These can be artistic elements, the use of colors or symbols, etc. When comparing different CVs, take notes of those elements that ensure a good clarity and an appealing layout.

Congratulations - You made it!

Now you can create your own CV: Use the content gathered in step 1 and structure it in a clear form. Present your soft skills through a significant and short description of hobbies, school activities, internships etc. (results from step 2). Finally, design the layout to suit you and the job position. Use ideas and inspiration from step 3.

Educators' area

Background information and teaching material for guiding your students through the exercise or offering it in your classroom


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