YOUnique4Europe - Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social competences for better employability in a digital world
ERASMUS+ : 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006119

Exercise 2.1 - Create your online job profile

Online job portals offer various job advertisements from different companies. It is one of the most frequently used channels in the application process. Often you can find tips and information on the topics of jobs, careers and applications on jobs. Some online job portals also specialize in certain industries, occupational categories or geographical areas. It is possible to create a profile with the relevant information about you as a person as well as your skills and qualifications. The profile can be made visible to recruiters and you can use it to apply for jobs. You have to register for that your profile can be saved and you only need to create it once. The data can be updated at any time.
Examples: profile creation via Stepstone, Indeed, XING, LinkedIN

Before you start this exercise

  • Read the Info sheet “Benefits and tips – online job portals”.
  • Have your results of the YOUnique mapping process at hand. If not done yet, you might want to mapp your soft skills first here.
  • Compile your data for creating a profile (such as in the CV, photo, attachments such as certificates, etc. in digital form).


How to complete this exercise

Step 1 - Look for a favorite job portal that suits your industry or your job interests.

This could be, for example, via XING, LinkedIN, Stepstone, Indeed,,, jobscout24.
Check out where attractive job advertisements are being placed for you that are in the right industry.

Step 2 - Log in to the job portal and create your own profile.

Consider the tips on the info sheet.

Step 3 - Present your own set of soft skills.

Check out which options the online job portal offers to present your own strengths and soft skills in an appealing way. Is it possible to upload photos, videos, references, certificates and others? Decide whether these can make your soft skills visible to potential employers and integrate them into your profile.

Congratulations - You made it!

Why not make your life even easier? Have a look for further helpful digital features for the job search that the job portal offers. These can be for example:

Automatic e-mail notifications: Most of the job portals offer the possibility to set up a search agent that sends you an automatic email as soon as an interesting job advertisement is placed. All you have to do is enter the job positions that are personally interesting for you and your own email address.

Career-chatbot: Chatbots are digital career advisors. They can answer automated questions about the candidate's career, vacancies or about the employer (mostly standard questions). Chatbots are a newer trend and are still developing. Although only a few companies have used them so far, a rising trend is assumed.

Educators' area

Background information and teaching material for guiding your students through the exercise or offering it in your classroom

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