YOUnique4Europe - Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social competences for better employability in a digital world
ERASMUS+ : 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006119

Exercise 3.3 - Your professional ePortfolio with Google Sites

Google Sites allows you to create your own dynamic digital workspace wherein you can collect your application documents and work samples, reflect on your learning, share it, seek feedback and showcase your soft skills and achievements. Google Sites works just like a website, that will represent your ePortfolio you need for your application – be it a job, an apprenticeship programme or an internship. Your Google site can consist of one page (homepage) or of several pages. For this exercise we start with creating just one page as a trial.

Before you start this exercise

  • If you have not heard of ePortfolio yet, go back to Excercise 3.1.
  • Have your results of the YOUnique mapping process at hand. If not done yet, you might want to mapp your soft skills here
  • Check out some ePortfolio examples made with Google sites of Wendy and Lena.
  • You need a Google account. If you do not have any yet, you can register for free here. To Google Drive (your storage platform) you should upload all content you would like to appear in your portfolio.
  • You can also check Chapter 2 Applying in a digital world where you learn more about how to create CVs, Cover letters, application photos and video CVs. 
  • If you like, you can watch this video on how to create a Google site as your ePortfolio. <Please include here a video guide in your national language, if there are any>

How to complete this exercise

Step 1

Decide for which purpose you would like to create your trial Google site, for example have a sample of a job description at hand.

Step 2

Choose content you think that fits the job description and that reflects your soft skills best.

These can be: 

  • documents such as your Cover letter, CV and qualifications
  • work samples if there are any (i.e. in creative professions)
  • images such as your application photo
  • video such as your video CV
  • audio if there are any, maybe audio interviews or podcasts
  • social networks, i.e. links to your social media profiles if you want to present them
  • any other content such as recommendation letters, prizes, certificates 

Store it in the same folder on Google Drive. Give this folder a recognizable name such as “Portfolio_M. Mueller” and make it a shareable folder by giving viewing access by selecting "On - Anyone with the link can view". This makes anything you put in the folder viewable by your instructor or peers when you add parts to the ePortfolio. This action does not make folder content searchable in Google.

Step 3

On your Google site you will create an extra section to showcase your soft skills. Think about which soft skills you would like to emphasize and how you would like present those, for example with pictures, storytelling, giving examples.

Step 4

Create your ePortfolio with Google Sites following the video guide  <insert Google sites tutorial of Youtube in national language>. Dedicate one section or sub-page to your soft skills.

Congratulations - You made it!

Now you can show your Google site to your friends or parents to get some feedback by sharing it via the share button.

Educators' area

Background information and teaching material for guiding your students through the exercise or offering it in your classroom

  • What can you do with Sites? – Guide that explains how to create, update, personalize, share and publish a Google sites
  • What make’s a good portfolio? – Online platform that includes a video tutorial how to build a basic ePortfolio using Google sites, and samples of an ePortfolio created by students. It is available in different languages.
  • Excurse Sharing Your Google Site - Document that explains what to consider in terms of data protection when sharing a Google site.

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